Gene Helps Individuals

Most folks can fill out a 1040EZ but when things get confusing (it happens pretty fast) Gene can save you a lot of time and headaches by consulting with you and preparing your personal tax return every year.

Income Tax Return Preparation

No matter how simple or complicated your return is, Gene can handle it. He'll make sure you get the return you deserve, or keep you from overpaying when you don't have to.

Status Check Prior to Year's End

Many individuals, especially those who work for themselves or as sub-contractors, want to plan around their tax payments for the coming year. Gene can take a look at your income and expenses and help you estimate what you'll have to pay well in advance of the tax deadline.

Tax Planning to Minimize Tax Liability

The best way to reduce what you owe in taxes is to plan a strategy in advance of expenditures, and Gene can give you some great advice on how to start planning for future costs and income.

Tax Advice for Seniors

Whether you're on a fixed income or trying to preserve your estate for your family, Gene can suggest ways to save money and reduce taxes owed on savings and investments.

Planning for Family’s Education Costs

As the costs of higher education rise, few things are important as saving enough money to help send your kids to a good school. Gene can help you select the best vehicle for savings and investment, minimizing the tax you'll pay over the long haul.

Government Audit Assistance

In the rare case that you are audited by the government, you need an experienced CPA to represent you in any IRS or other agency audit. Gene has a great record of successfully guiding clients through the audit process, and can offer you the best advice based upon that experience.

IRS Collections Assistance

If you're in trouble with the IRS, it's important to have an experienced tax adviser to help you figure out how to minimize penalties and work out a plan that will avoid harsh consequences. Gene will ease your concerns and will tell you the best way to get yourself back in good standing.

Consultation on Home Foreclosures and Short Sales

In the current economic climate, foreclosures and short sales are an unfortunate reality. There are a number of new laws to help alleviate the tax consequences you might face, and Gene has the knowledge to help you make the most of a bad situation.

General Tax Research and Assistance

When it comes to tax questions, the only stupid question is the one you don’t ask. Gene will diligently conduct research for the complicated questions you have, and present you with a well-informed answer derived from long experience and fruitful research.
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